2025 Nominees

Project Name
University of Texas Sarah M. & Charles Seay Building Expansion
The expansion of the Seay Building provides the Department of Psychology, College of Liberal Arts, and the University of Texas at Austin with centrally located research space for the Institute for Mental Health Research and consolidated office space for Center for Perceptual Systems, and provides office and lab space for current and future researchers and their programs. Measuring nearly 33,000 square feet with an estimated cost of $20 million, the project's design was led by BSA LifeStructures, a firm which has a strong record of maximizing existing value via renovation and redesign on higher education campuses. The project prioritized sustainability and innovation, bringing together expertise throughout the value chain including sustainability guidance with Above Green Consulting - a leader in sustainability consulting.
For the College of Liberal Arts at UT Austin, this building addition represents a commitment to cutting-edge scientific study. And, in keeping with the university's sustainability policy, the project embraces key pillars like climate protection and environmentally preferable purchasing. Thanks to Lauren Concrete's leadership in sustainable construction in the Austin market, the savings of more than 26 acres of forest-sequestering carbon was enabled at UT Seay. Lauren Concrete has now achieved the production of more than 1 million tons of mineralized concrete with CarbonCure, translating to a significant impact on embodied carbon in Austin's built environment - and beyond. Lauren's commitment to reduced embodied carbon and collaborating with designers, owners, and consultants across the construction value chain are a bold reminder of the potential impact of concrete on the world's climate, and how innovation can translate to real impact without compromise.